So, yesterdays wedding was a lot longer than I anticipated. This was due to three stooges that endevoured to ruin my day as well as ruin my shots. I guess the only positive thing coming out of it was how candid my shots really were. I mean I saw what everyone else saw, three guys running in front of everyone to get their shots, not caring for me and vince and especially the guests. One was armed with a D70, another with a panasonic camcorder, and the last with a video light. So started with the tea cereomy at the brides place, which was fantastic. The stooges took charge over the whole running of show. Moved onto a tea ceremony at the grooms, which lead to my most demoralising experience, having the video stooge, grab the top of my head to move it aside for his shot. This was followed by him literally talking behind my back, straight into the video camera mind you, about where I was and how i was getting into his shot. This was followed by him exclaiming to Vince how he can move all around the place and how versatile he is at being a video man, and I started thinking to myself, “if you are so versatile, I should never be in your way”. Luckily enough they didn’t come along to the formals. I was having a rough time dealing with it. Then came the ceremony at the Mariott Hotel as well as reception. This time, the photographer stooge, managed to walk infront of my lens, as they were exchanging rings. I managed to get one shot out of it. Then came the signing of the certificate which again, as the witnesses were signing, he again managed to stand right in front of my lens. Not just in front of my lens, but in front of everyone, so there was no where I could’ve moved to even get a shot. Then came photos with the bride and groom where he continually stuck his lens next to Vince’s to get a shot. This just lead to many of the guests staring at his lens instead. It didn’t register to the guests that they should’ve been looking at Vince. Then came reception – cutting the cake. So the MC announces “could the official photographer please come up first”, and guess who runs up there, the three stooges. They arrive there before me and Vince. Also standing in front of everyone again, the videolight stooge was shining it on them, in a way, it was good, but from a guests point of view, it looked disgusting. Then came the speeches where they stood a table away from the mic, and proceeded in shining this horrible light at them, and again, in front of everyone. Finally, end of the night, bride had changed into another gown (3 in total), and as the video stooge was recording, out in the open foyer area, STILL managed to push me out of the way to get his shot, even though, there was no one around me in a radius of 2 metres!

The point really is, that what they have done, is ruin my day, which isn’t so bad, but moreso, ruin the images that I have to take for the bride and groom. So I guess my work had suffered yesterday, and I was unable to cope with these guys. I just hope for the bride and groom, that I managed to get some good ones out of the day. Of course, Vince, being the rock that he is, doesn’t crack under any pressure at all! and carried me through the day. Thanks Vince! Pics:

Adorable cat:

My ring shot. I really love this shot. I don’t normally have detail shots.

Bride and groom arriving at the grooms house at Milsons Point.

The view from the apartment. You can see Watersedge, where we were on saturday.

As the bride and groom get seated…

The speeches… (The stooges…)

I’d have to say though, it was a nice wedding, lovely couple. Just a shame that those stooges got to me as much as they did.

More pics at .

Written by Milton Lai

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