In the past few weeks, I’ve turned 22, been working quite a bit, contracted a virus on my home desktop and flew to Dubbo for a day for work. I’ve spent quite a bit of time at the beach whenever I can. The weather has changed for the better since it was way too hot last week. The Victoria Bushfires have been quite a horrific disaster – my closest experience with this was when I was in Dubbo yesterday and the air was filled with smoke which has drifted all the way from Victoria. The images which have been appearing in newspapers around the place are quite strong and emotional. In a way I wish I could be there to photograph all of it unfolding.

Uni is starting in a couple weeks and then it’ll be.. busy from then on. I’m waiting for the album to be made at the moment. I’ve also got to start making a few prints to hang up around the place.

A shot from the plane yesterday:

Written by Milton Lai

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