It has been a pretty intense weekend and week of events. It did start with a lovely Picnic at Wendy’s Secret Garden in Lavender Bay. It’s a gorgeous little spot that totally removes you from all the high rises that are just around the corner. We ended up there for a good few hours as its a lovely walk along the harbour to Kirribilli and all the way through the Blues Point.





On the weekend I managed to finish off, well start, my photo wall. At the moment, its photos from my last trip, but it’ll grow and change (more frequently too) hopefully. I attended my first Mardi Gras parade. It was quite a festive environment apart from the crowds and chairs and crates. I see that its a good idea to bring them, but when you see a whole section of just crates, you wonder why the crate people don’t let at least 2 rows of people in front of them, because behind them are about 4 rows of crates. Its a bit insane, and very hard to see. We did manage to get closer to Taylor Square where there is a TV to see whats going on until the bigger floats which rise over the crate people come past. Oh, and ladders… the effort people go to! In saying that, I would’ve loved to have a ladder and actually be able to see!




Sunday I just fed myself silly amounts of food. I think it was more just a coincidence that everywhere I was heading to had plenty of food for me, such as the food court, Nick’s parents place, and a buck’s dinner. I managed to great Go Karting session at Kartatak in Arncliffe. It’s an indoor track, as opposed to the one out at Eastern Creek. It was a great intense 15 minutes, but definitely would’ve loved to have been out there longer. Dinner followed and then another Sofar Sounds gig (Obligatory #sofarsyd – I do wonder if crawlers pick that up or not).

So maybe I’m just not that lucky and they actually want me there. This time it was in Bondi and celebrated International Women’s Day, with an all female lineup. Gordi, Vanessa Caspersz & Gaia Scarf, Eleanor Dunlop and Aphrodite where all the acts that were on. Vanessa & Gaia were my favourites of the night – just lovely harmonies and beat boxing. This first photo was taken by the resident photographer I’ve seen at all the Sofar events and not by me.






The weekend took it out of me since it left me in a not so great state for Monday – which ended up being a day at home resting from an exciting cold and finishing off the wall.


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