Another year with little posting! It’s been terribly busy and of course, setting goals for this year, means I might jump back on the bandwagon on blogging, but let’s start with a year in review for 2018.
It started with a bucks weekend (or as I liked to refer to it as, a weekend with some friends, catching up post-christmas), organised by me… Never have I ever, and may never again. It’s a huge task organising close to 20 people to be in one location, during the summer break, finding a place, and feeding everyone. I did manage to create a Roman feast the best I could…

The wedding soon followed at Driftwood Shed in Terrara. Lovely location, and of course ended up hosting a ~80 people brunch the following morning. There were a number of weddings this year – fortunate to have people around me taking that next step.
We had our first trip out to mushrooming! Out towards in the Blue Mountains, we went on a tour with Margaret at Moss House. Beautiful day, with, luckily for us, an abundance of mushrooms for all!

Dancing. Lots of it. Sydney Balboa Weekend, Jazz Bang, Sydney Lindy Exchange and Jazz with Ramona. With last year, there was a goal to do some faster dancing, and I did just that for the SLX competition. We didn’t place for that one (3rd in Balboa), but it has helped push my dancing just a little bit further to be more comfortable at those speeds.

Two highlights of the year – the first being a trip to Singapore. I can’t say that I’ve always wanted to head there, but there were a few food videos that definitely pushed me over the edge (Strictly Dumpling). There was an extensive eating itinerary planned out for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. We ended up just missing out on 2 dishes that we missed out on and will be back for next time – Stingray + Heart attack fried rice. Other than food, Singapore is wonderful. Lots of touristy things were done. The Night Safari was amazing. We even found time to do some swing dancing as well! Pretty sure I’ll be back for the food.

The next highlight was a toy. A large toy. We’ve called him Chegwyn (Cheggy for short). Here he is:

He is a 1965 MGB. Runs just fine. It’s definitely not a showroom car. Hoping to keep it driven on the weekends – we’ll see how we go!