Just a quick update whilst I’m at work. Just a recap of what has happened over the last week. On the Tuesday – a friend at work took me to Australia’s Next Top Model Final at Luna Park. Not much of a fan – it was an excuse to get […]
Articles by: Milton Lai
A month later of exams, and a really sad week
Exams, exams, exams. Luckily now they are all over. Not too confident on my final exam about methodologies, but the database one was a good one. Apart from that, I’ve been working on my project. This is a short lived entry since I havn’t had much sleep in the past […]
Buble … followed by Assignments and Exams
Since last time, I’ve handled the presentation. it wasn’t that bad once I was up there. It made it slightly easier that I actually knew what I was talking about. The week after (25/5) I had 2 assignments due that week, originally it was 3 and then one was pushed […]
2 weeks have passed, 3 assignments handed in, 3 more to go. Presentation on Tuesday, and then next week I’ll have the other two to hand in. On the 10th, I had a lovely wedding which was followed by uni work. I skipped the reception to get uni work done… […]
The whole of April… and now the start of May
Wow, its been a pretty long time since my last entry. Assignments have been on, and so less and less time for everything else. I’m currently on a train to Olympic Park since I’ve got a shift at ANZ Stadium. First for the year. I guess I should be writing […]