Tech Talk

Wedding #16 | Rain

So, rain, rain, and more rain. Started at Sebel Pier One. Nice hotel, nice rooms. Ceremony was supposed to be at Observatory Hill, but the weather was… terrible to say the least, and it was moved to the receptionplace – WatersEdge. Formal pics followed at the Park Hyatt as well […]

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Where to start?!

So here comes probably the longest (I’ll try to make it as short as possible) post I should be doing. So for the past month I’ve been… really busy. Had enough time of course to put the wedding pics up but other than that, havnt had any time for a […]

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Long but Top Week!

Very long, but eventful week. Project wise, I was able to complete half of it. Basically the functionality I was after, I acheived on Thursday, which is fantastic news, and meant that I didn’t feel like doing too much work after that. Monday and tuesday had me modifiying my stored […]

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Transformation 2

So, transformation part 2. After many delays… lets go through them. Ordered AVR and speakers last Thursday, was told they would be in on tuesday, speakers arrive today and amplifer due tomorrow. No follow up calls from them, nothing. Monitor… was apparently delivered to the wrong store, and so was […]

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More work

So on Monday, I was told that there would be more to do on my project since it’s all out on the table. Yesterday he explained them to me. Basically an extra week of work (I hope) and it’ll all be done. I’m currently tackling one task a day and […]

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