So APEC has been on for the past few days, well its more like its affected sydney-siders for the past few days. Of course, that didnt affect today though, since we were out at Kellyville. Started with getting ready shots at the bride and grooms place – both of whom were there. It was a lot more relaxed since the parents werent around. It then moved onto a few location shots in the area, before heading to Cropley House for the ceremony and reception. Good food there, nice people, easy relaxing day. Here are a few pics:
Shot of the rings:
Shot I kind of like:
Black and white photo through the same medium:
As they entered Cropley House:
The Marriage Celebrants notes:
The bride and groom and car:
So this is the start of a long stream of weddings to come. Hopefully, my images and influences will change during this time and help me develop some outstanding images!
Written by Milton Lai