I found myself at Cat’s Corner, which is actually at Balancoire Restaurant, Bar & Night Club on 2565 Mission Street this evening for some swing dancing. They normally run classes on Wednesdays. The venue is actually pretty good and there is also a live band after class (starting at 9:30 until midnight – this was when I had left, so they might play later). I had asked to join the beginners and intermediates to have a feel for what and how the classes are taught, but they were 4 weeks into a 5 week rotation and I ended up “auditioning” so to say to be let into the class. Beginners was fine with just basics, and then intermediates they were doing the Shim Sham, after which I was cut from the class as there were too many leads. The beginners and intermediates were lindy hop, and there is a subsequent drop in beginners class right before the band plays which, this week was Balboa. Oh, the band was amazing – Lavay Smith and Her Red Hot Skillet Lickers.



Overall, it was a good night and most people have alluded to the fact that 9:20 on Thursdays is the place to be, so that’ll be next on the list for tomorrow! Until then!

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