I realised I hadn’t posted anything about Hawaii when I was there on my way back to Sydney! I stayed in Waikiki at Ohana West (which has the slowest elevators anywhere). If you can get the discounted rate at about 70-80 USD, its best to do that. Otherwise the price did spike to 200+ USD which was way too much for 2 nights. I ended up staying at the Polynesian Hostel for those 2 nights because I stupidly didn’t book all 5 nights together.

Day 1, I managed to see Pearl Harbour (both Missouri and Arizona). If you’re a history guy, then definitely see Arizona as well, otherwise, best give it a miss as its a very long day. Missouri is great as you see something tangible… Then at night was Hawaii Jitterbugs in Chinatown. Great scene and a fantastic bunch of people! I’d say a bit humid for my liking, but none the less, it was a great night. The location is a little dodgy, even the cab driver that picked me up was surprised I was in that area of the town at 11 pm.


Day 2, Polynesian Cultural Centre. Now, I was on a tour, and yes, lots of shows, but in all seriousness, theres no need to get extras and its not “so big you won’t be able to see everything”. I think if you’re systematic about it, you’ll get to see most the shows and the night show is the main one anyway. The shows do make the whole thing, rather than just walking around seeing the villages. I think its best to just follow the crowds.

Day 3, Olomana Trail and Oahu’s first Jazz and Blues Festival at Turtle Bay. The hike was fantastic! I was on a bit of a high from the hiking in Peru, so I thought to find one that wasn’t too short and easy enough to manage for a morning. The Olomana Trail was perfect for this. There are many warnings about cars being broken into where you start and even the security guard of the golf course mentioned it. It was a risk I took and everything was OK. I kept driving up the coast to Turtle Bay afterwards for the Jazz festival. It was a very nice drive with great beaches along the way. I definitely should spend more time doing that the next time I’m there. The jazz festival was alright. I expected more dancing than there was (there was none). Of course I didn’t know anyone, but the music was delightful.





Day 4, shopping. Shopping was OK. I went to the Waikele outlets for the morning. Exhausting. I realised that their business shirts don’t fit as well even though they are slim fit. They kind of balloon out a bit at the waist. I should’ve bought more than I did, but I was trying to not spend too much of course.

And.. I tired myself by typing all of this. Until…. later =)

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